
textiles · exploration · misadventure

I Don’t Know What to Call This Post


I could have named it any of the following:

Confessions of an Anxious Mind
Keeping a Secret for Nine Months
What Does She Have to be Anxious About?
Getting the Fuck Outta Dodge
Why Doesn’t She Get A Job?

I could add more. The meat of it is, though, that Matt and I are, at long and luxurious last, moving THE FUCK out of San Francisco.

San Francisco can eat our dust/bite our ass/not let the door hit it on the ass on the way out.

Our 15-20 loud-ass twenty-year-old neighbors to the south can beer bong and yell DRINK! DRINK! DRINK! all they want, but as far as Matthew, I, and Schrödinger are concerned, they will no longer be our daily reality, but will only exist in a cloud of possibilities that Matt and I have nothing to do with, and so no longer want to murder.

Our 3-5 twenty-seven-going-on-thirteen neighbors below us can play Duke Nukem and BroForce until dawn at high volume, but it won’t be me laying awake in a bed vibrating from their bass, plotting their ugly deaths.

Our 4-5 brain-dead upstairs neighbors can stomp around all they want, at whatever time of night, wearing hard-soled high-heeled shoes on a hardwood floor that is our ceiling and say, “We just want to, like, live our lives, you know?” to somebody else’s face at 2am on a Wednesday night while we fantasize a wee nail on those steps for them to trip upon, one after the other, piling up on top of each other at the bottom of the staircase.

I will no longer be living inside a house that magnifies sound like I live inside of a cello.

Because Matt and I are moving to Chico.

We will soon sign a lease on a three bedroom, two bathroom house with EMPTY LOTS ON ALL THREE SIDES. It’s 100 years old, has a laundry room, cabinets built by the the second owner, a peach tree in the back yard, shade trees all around, and an outbuilding that used to be the current owner’s mother’s cake shop. It has Character, capital C.

Matt gave notice at his work yesterday, so now I can finally tell you all. Because some of his work colleagues sometimes read this blog, I’ve had to keep silent about it. Matt’s had to hold his tongue at work for months, and it only got worse and more stressful for both of us in March, when I got sick one month before I was supposed to go out to Chico and start looking for a place for us to live.

The pic at top says it all for me. We’re opening a door into the unknown. Let’s see what treasure we find inside.

Holey shit we’re moving to Chico.


22 thoughts on “I Don’t Know What to Call This Post

  1. Oh there is simply nothing worse than party neighbors!

    Wishing you so much peace and quiet in your new home. 🐞


  2. Best of luck with the new adventure and may your new home be peaceful and quiet. Have you already appropriated a room as a studio? It was such a relief to move somewhere quieter where I swear there are more foxes than people… I don’t understand why new housing doesn’t come with soundproofing as standard…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Migod, more foxes than people sounds heavenly. Maybe that will be our next goal… (: And YES, I have appropriated the out building/former cake decorating and lesson room as my studio, but we’ll also probably use it to store Matt’s 8 (? 10?) bicycles. And I’m hoping to put up some wall mirrors so I can practice bellydance in there. I can’t.Freaking.Wait.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh my goodness. I could never live in Chico, but I do applaud people making changes to reach out for what they want in life! (going back to school, starting a business, etc.) Good for you for TAKING ACTION!! Much luck, love, health, and happiness there!

    (Plus: I’m a gamer and even I had never heard of “Broforce”. Ugh, what a waste!)


    Liked by 1 person

    • Pete! So nice to get a comment from you! Yes, Chico will have its challenges, we are sure, but it has its payoffs too. Thank you so much for your fine good wishes, you good man. And I must say I am surprised you’ve never heard of BroForce. You’re such a renaissance man.


  4. eeewwwww!!!!!!!


  5. Sharyl and I are going to miss you. See a trip to Chico in our future!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Davey, we will miss you two superb people as well. I don’t know where we’ll find another good game night. We’ll have a guest room, and you two have a standing invitation. We’d love to see you there.


  6. Is that you or Melissa opening the door on the floor? your body language looks the same. AND what is under the door on the floor?


  7. I am so happy for you both. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

  8. A house! No shared walls or ceilings. A studio! What a wonderful change. Peace and tranquility. There’s a lot of medicinal value in that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • “No Shared Walls” has been our mantra the past six months or so. We can’t believe how lucky we are to have found not only no shared walls, but no shared property lines. I’ll post a picture shortly. And I agree. Serious medicinal value in peace, tranquility, and an art/bike/bellydance studio. We really can’t believe how lucky we are. I know you’re aiming for something similar, physically and emotionally, and I wish you godspeed.


  9. Your apartment sounds awful; so glad you’re moving to a house! I was so happy when we moved into a house after living in apartments for years. I hope this makes your remaining time in the apt. more bearable!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, totally! Knowing we get to move into this new house does make the remaining time more bearable. Bittersweet, in fact. There’s a lot of appreciation for the great things around us going on right now. At the same time, I think we’ll be really relieved once we’re settled in the new nest. Thanks so much for your good thoughts and wishes!

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