
textiles · exploration · misadventure


Lambtown to the Rescue

Pair of hands, cuffs of blue gingham workshort, plunged into a giant bag of white fleece.

Did I say thank you? Thank you.

Thank you to all the commenters on my earlier Fuck September post. Your comments and support truly helped. I feel a little better, possibly have my priorities sorted out somewhat.

I’m home from Lambtown, had my usual wonderful time, and brought home lots of goodies. I’ll have more about it soon, once I’m unpacked and sorted out. My bedroom is an utter shitstorm, so I guess I should address that too.

In the meantime, some teasers.

Naturally dyed scarves in rust, yellow, peach, with eco-printed leaves and flowers.

Hand-turned yarn ball holders, by Trif's Turnings.

Beautiful hand-dyed skein the colors of corn, dust, golden summer grass.

Fuchsia dye

Rainbow-dyed fleece in Natalie Redding's Dyeing class at Lambtown Fiber Festival, Dixon, CA, 2015.