
textiles · exploration · misadventure

Self Peeving


Gorgeous Asian bellydancer dressed in traditional attire

Helen shows us how it’s done

What am I not going to do the next time I go to a belly dance exhibition?

I am going to not not charge my camera.
I am going to not show up with too little memory.
I am going to not set my camera for high light situations.
I am going to not take too a long, accidentally sideways video and waste my memory.
I am not going to come home and find that 99% of the pictures I did manage to take were blurry.

Crap capture from a video. Sorry, Nina. ):

Crap capture from a video. Sorry, Nina. ):

Matt and I went to Fat Chance Belly Dance tonight and saw five acts of incredible dancing, and all I got was one good picture. I’m so peeved.

The costumes, jewelry, and hair were incredible and beautiful. There was an improv group, a woman who danced with a scarf, and a woman who did a modern interpretation of bellydance and looked like she also must dance ballet. She was so incredibly graceful I could have watched her hands for an hour. Video? Nope. Picture? Not one.

There was an act with two women, one on a drum and one dancing with finger cymbals, no music, just rhythm. Pictures? Sure. Here you go!




3 thoughts on “Self Peeving

  1. oops…I sympathize with you. That’s about the worst thing that can happen to a photographer. Groan…


  2. Yes, it was totally frustrating! Luckily they have these things every month or so, so I’ll likely get another chance soon. (: Thanks for the sympathy!


  3. Pingback: Sobriety at Last (Even if Temporary) | curvylou